3 Tools for Making The Most Of Facebook Advertising

A common theme in conversations with our clients revolves around the effectiveness of Facebook Advertising. Clients note that they get fair results through boosting posts to increase reach and engagement to their Facebook audience. However, boosting ads through the news feed is only one way of utilising Facebook ads and does not allow clients to access new audiences and markets.

We have found three tools used for targeting new audiences have been getting impressive results for our clients.

1. Facebook Ads Remarketing – By utilising a simple Facebook pixel (code) you can deliver ads to people who have visited certain pages of your website when they return back to Facebook. This tool is great for brands that require a long lead time or several marketing touches before a purchase.

2. Custom Audiences Email – This tool maximises the use of a client email database by allowing us to upload the database to Facebook and deliver specific ads to customers on this database through the Facebook platform.

3. Custom Audiences Look-a-Like – This allows clients to massively extend their advertising reach by targeting Facebook users that match the profile of their current audience by up to 1%.

These three tools are far from the only methods of targeting through Facebook, but depending on clients marketing goals and objectives, can be extremely effective and are getting great results for many of our clients.

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